The innovative Vocational Education
and Training Curriculum for the Public
Procurement of Innovation Manager
The innovative Vocational Education
and Training Curriculum for the Public
Procurement of Innovation Manager
The innovative Vocational Education and Training Curriculum for the Public Procurement of Innovation Manager
The PPI GO project (The innovative Vocational Education and Training Curriculum for the Public Procurement of Innovation Manager) aims to create a professional profile specialized in Public Procurement for Innovation: PPI Manager.
On the one hand, this position would have the capacity to support public authorities in the implementation of Public Contracts for Innovation. On the other hand, it would support small and medium-sized enterprises and innovative start-ups to participate in PPI and to properly exploit their full potential.
Training course for
PPI Managers
PPI Massive Open Online
Course (MOOC)
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Project number: 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033106