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The public procurement sector is traditionally characterized by a lack of innovative policies and procedures or of interaction between public authorities and enterprises. Annually, the amount corresponding to 14% of European GDP is spent on public procurement in Europe; with greater use of Public Procurement for Innovation (PPI), it would be possible to boost growth and investment in research and development, creating jobs in the territories.

According to the European Commission, the PPI has a crucial role as a strategic instrument to facilitate the transition to a more innovative, more environmentally friendly and more socially inclusive economy while seeking the development and innovation of territories.

The PPI GO project (The innovative Vocational Education and Training Curriculum for the Public Procurement of Innovation Manager) aims to create a professional profile specialized in Public Procurement for Innovation: PPI Manager.

On the one hand, this position would have the capacity to support public authorities in the implementation of Public Contracts for Innovation.  On the other hand, it would support small and medium-sized enterprises and innovative start-ups to participate in PPI and to properly exploit their full potential.

The project consortium has organizations from Italy, Switzerland, Greece, France and Portugal and will improve and disseminate knowledge about PPI through the development of a innovative training course, a set of digital and innovative tools for PPI managers and a permanent course with open educational resources, so that all parties involved can contribute to the development of their local innovation ecosystems.

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises
  • Employers’ associations
  • Public administrations
  • Professionals with a degree in management economics and engineering interested in vocational retraining
  • Experts and researchers of PPI sector
  • Consultancy firms
  • Training bodies
  • Stakeholders


  • Disseminate the existing knowledge of PPI
  • Create a specialized professional profile: the PPI Manager
  • Produce resources that can support professionals interested in becoming PPI Managers


Training course home

Training course for
PPI Managers

Toolkit home

PPI Manager
Digital Tool-Kit

MOOC home

PPI Massive Open Online
Course (MOOC)

EN-Funded by the EU-POS

The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents,
which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
information contained therein.


Project number: 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033106